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Help page 4 - How to Emote.

The emote is a special case of the say or tell command. Your name is placed in your message in front of anything you type so you can then describe what you are doing. In this way you can talk in the third person and even hold an entire conversation using emotes. Emotes are tricky to begin with, just remember to place a verb (or "is") at the start of any emote and then build it from there.

Warning! - Use emotes too much and you'll be happily walking down the street thinking to yourself (put your name here) walks down the street. Before you realise it you'll be talking in emotes in the real world too! ;-)

Sabrina could give a simple emote to the room by typing emote waves hello. Everyone in the room would see Sabrina waves hello.

If Sabrina just wanted to wave to Amy then she would just type remote amy waves hello. This way only Amy would see the text Sabrina waves hello. on her screen.

NOTE: You can use : and ; in place of emote and , in place of remote.

Summary Table.

Command. Shortcut. Function.
emote string ;string or
Sends your name followed by the text given in string to everyone in the room.
remote name string , name string Sends your name followed by the text given in string to the person given in name.

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